Children of the Earth
A poem for humanity.
Here is an invitation
for the Optimist and the Pessimist
the Activist and the Nihilist
the Capitalist and the Communist
the Atheist and the Creationist
the Conformist and the Anarchist
the Leftist and the Rightist
the Chauvinist and the Feminist
the Racist and the Egalitarianist
the Militarist and the Pacifist
the Environmentalist and the Industrialist.
The Lover and the Hater
the Giver and the Taker
the Dreamer and the Deceiver
the Wall Sreeter and the Street sweeper.
The Herbivore and the Carnivore
the Straight Gay Bi Queer and Transgender.
The Black White Brown Red and Yellow
the High-strung and the Mellow.
The Christian and the Jew
the Muslim the Buddhist and the Hindu
the American the Asian the Russian
the Hispanic and the European too.
Let us bid farewell to all of these labels,
identities and cliques that tend to confuse
and lead one to mistake a construct for a truth;
thereby falling under the spell of a ruse.
And instead, let us nurture a world
for the two-legged mammals yet to come.
Because regardless of where you find
yourself on the spectrum,
the parts are inseparable from the sum.
And if we do not come out of
our collusion of separation,
sit down at the table of reconciliation
and join together as a one-earth nation
with all our relations;
whether animal mineral or vegetation,
whatever future remains won’t be much fun
as we witness industrial civilization
come completely undone.
So, here’s the deal.
We can no longer
from the children’s future steal.
We must open our hearts and minds and feel.
The suffering heal.
And with our place in the circle
of life and death get real.
It is up to each and every one of us
to in each other trust.
Towards an enlightened consciousness awakening lust.
And with a fire of peace, compassion, and unity burning in our being –
a love revolution combust.
Or not,
we die off and that’s our lot.
Another failed species
in the dance of life jackpot.
It remains to be seen
if we will avoid our so-called doomsday,
as severance and hubris
turn our blue skies grey.
But either way,
be sure to appreciate today.
The one and only day
you are gifted to partake of life’s bouquet.
And if nothing else,
be kind in all you do and say.
While remaining appreciative
of the joys and sorrows that come your way
and the sublime beauty of another moment
in Mother Earth’s sway.
Oh, and one more thing.
Since death will one day come calling
whether you be poet, pauper, or king.
Be sure to discover
the healing song in your heart
that you alone to the world can bring;
and with fearlessness, gratitude, and joy — sing!