Memes As Messenger
In a world of propaganda, the truth is always a conspiracy. — Herbert Hildebrandt
If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized; If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance — you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest. — Ian Watson
My intention in sharing these memes is that sometimes, if the individual is ready (and not a moment sooner), there is crack in the mental facade that supports a particular belief system, and it is in this most auspicious of moments that a glimpse of a different perspective has the potential to instigate a new belief taking root. And given the current cartoon we’re living in, I’ve chosen to persist in my efforts, though I do so free of expectation of any particular outcome. Away we go.
- As it says, here is your roadmap to the last 4 years.
2. And there you have it, the most powerful brain-washing tool ever invented, TV.
3. Even if there is a clear path to health and empowerment, most people will still choose to follow the herd, remain in a victim mindset and continue enabling their enslavement to a corrupt and dis-eased system.
4. These 5 fall under the ‘make it make sense to me’ category.
5. If one is willing to pause and put their critical thinking skills to work (something the last 4 years has proven only a small minority of people are willing to do), then it becomes crystal clear that bodily sovereignty is an inalienable right that we the people should never allow to be taken from us (and our children) by any tyrannical government. And yet, we are on the verge of doing just that. I for one believe this is a hill worth dying on if it were to come to that.
6. One of the biggest mind fucks that the individual has to sort out these days is that they are being lied to and gaslit by those in positions of power and that these people are not worthy of our trust and they do not have our best interest at heart, that the system is irreparably broken, and that it is time to rise above the fear, stop outsourcing our power, take ownership of one’s choices and begin the journey of individual and collective healing. I wish for each of you the courage and Self awareness to do so.
7. And finally, when you are living in a world gone mad, laughter is the best medicine.