memes as messenger three

Stone Petoskey
7 min readJul 2, 2024


only two things can reveal life’s great secrets: suffering and love. — paulo coelho

i sometimes forget this. though far less often than i used to. the tendency is to point fingers. to believe the observer is separate from the observed. it’s only human. i’m not saying that as a cop out. it’s just a reflection of our having forgotten the truth of the matter. the not-two-ness of all things. i think it’s possible to grow out of this tendency. to leave it behind. but it must be felt lived made conscious. only then can the desire to judge others be transmuted. only then can one see himself reflected in the eyes of the so-called other. only then can one see a path forward to peace and abundance for all. and even then. the illusion wants to fuck with us all the time. at least that’s been my experience. but i’m getting better. and i see others are too. and that is all we can ask. if we can ask anything at all.

joe frazier vs. muhammad ali. hell of a rivalry between two of the most talented pugilists of all time. this meme really hit home for me as it reminded me of the moment i fully realized that i was being played by my government and the media. it was a long long time ago about 12 months post 9/11 to be exact. ever since then i have not trusted any government or anything the main stream media says. it sucks that is the world we live in. that humans can’t seem to grow the fuck up. but i know that one day the lies will be the rot that brings down the whole house of cards. as lies always do. so i take solace in that. and i’m a hell of a lot happier now that i woke the fuck up and i’m not being played for a fool anymore. i trust no one until they earn it. and few have earned it. but i am most grateful for those few. yes indeed.

yea. sad but true. well maybe not that sad. more like it just is what it is. but certainly true. there are clearly far more infants than men these days. and near as i can tell it’s getting worse. but like all things. once the pendulum swings far enough it will begin to swing back. it’s good to understand this. nothing lasts forever. that said. i encourage all you boys out there to grow into manhood. the world needs real strong courageous badass men. today more than ever.

speaking of courageous men this guy fits the bill. i am so happy for him that he is able to be with his loved ones now and can see the blue sky without bars intervening. what he says here is irrefutably true. and the fact that this is the world we live in should really make you pause and reflect. reevaluate everything. and then decide where your line in the sand is. and how you are going to stand in solidarity with the common man against the tyranny that is barking feverishly at the door. how we proceed from here is going to make all the difference in what kind of world our children inherit.

there is nothing like music to cure what ails ya. whatever your personal pleasure when it comes to dropping the needle on the record i support you. as for myself. here are five of my all-time favorite albums just in case you want to give a listen. in no particular order. a love supreme by john coltrane. songs in the key of life by stevie wonder. london calling by the clash. kaya by bob marley. kind of blue by miles davis.

anarchy is misunderstood. if more people crawled out from under the two party system of oppression perhaps there’d be more anarchy happening. i am all for more anarchy. lots more. so much more that it becomes the norm. it would actually be a most excellent development for humanity and mother earth. its long past time we the people shook off the chains that don’t serve us and actually began to thrive.

this ‘pandemic’ was a con job from day one. and while i was hip to that i was not hip to labs viruses germ theory masks social distancing psr tests mrna jabs darpa lockdowns cbdc’s agenda 21 agenda 2030 and much much more of the fuckery that the powers that be to deceive are forcing upon humanity. i felt like i was clued in prior to the ‘pandemic’ but there was more i needed to learn. isn’t that how it always goes. we’re all here to learn our lessons. whatever they are. and oftentimes we don’t learn the lessons. so we continue to go through all the things over and over until we finally get it through our head. in that way i see all this lying and coercion and blatant taking of life as part of the collective awakening process. i want very much to make those who are causing so much harm to pay for their crimes. so i do my admittedly small part in trying to bring that about. and i know there are many others who are doing the same. and eventually the villain will be unmasked and justice will be served. just like every scooby-doo episode.

my heritage is some native american. my grandma was mohawk indian. i am also the child of immigrants. some german. some french. some scottish. maybe all the way back to the vikings. and then of course we all started from the first two-legged’s that made love somewhere along the line. thing is. in the end. we are all one human family. in fact we are each a strand in the whole web of life. race religion politics gender all constructs. representations of the monkey mind. all this make believe is tearing us apart. it sure would be cool if we could snap the fuck out of our delusions and get to creating peace on earth. wonder if that’ll ever happen?

me too langston. me too. so what i do when i feel this way is create the goodness and the kindness by being the goodness and the kindness. that is the only way it comes to life. and on those days where i just don’t have it in me. i rest. i cry. i yell. i do whatever i need to do to get through the day or the moment. and then i get back to being good and kind. no sense waiting. i don’t have long here.

break on through to the other side. some of us are driven to do just that. if you are one of those you know exactly what jim meant. aint that a kicker. the only way you get the golden egg (and by that i do not mean monetary wealth) is by giving up everything you’ve been taught. stripping away all the cultural conditioning. getting naked in the rawest sense of the world. and most people don’t have the stomach for it. and that’s cool. we’ve all got our path. no one better than the next. i’m willing to die if it comes to it. true freedom is worth the price of admission.

and speaking of death. mr hicks throwing some wisdom into the mix. can i get a witness. my two cents on this thing called life. get in the game and play. that’s what we’re here for as near as i can tell. and do not take this shit to seriously. it’s all a ride baby. get to the living. get to the learning. get to the laughing. get to the loving.

