memes as messenger two

Stone Petoskey
4 min readMar 1, 2024


If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. — Lao Tzu

This month marks the 4-year anniversary of one of, if not the, greatest crimes against humanity ever committed by the powers that shouldn’t be. And as there is no letting up from these crazy souls and their efforts to implement their twisted, cruel, evil, and fear-full agenda I continue to speak up. Though admittedly few are listening to me I feel it is my duty as a citizen of planet earth at this time to continue to speak about the insanity and tyranny that continues to unfold. I see it as my way of bringing some sliver of light to the darkness and I do it primarily for the generations yet to come. I also know I am not alone in my endeavors. There are many fellow warriors for truth, justice, and love that continue to inspire me and I will continue to stand alongside them for the balance of my days. I would like to shout out a few of these warriors because they are living legends as I see it and their willingness to speak truth to power is a reflection of their courage and their love for humanity. They are also far more eloquent with their words than I, so I strongly encourage you to check them out.

In no particular order:

Alright, on to the memes:

  1. The whole psyop falls apart if we all stop believing the propaganda and lies, step out of fear and refuse to comply with the totalitarian agenda being forced upon humanity. And what sprouts from that courageous act will be the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

2. There is ample proof that the C-19 vaccines cause harm and even death. I believe this was the intention from the very beginning, but even if you believe this was all done to protect you from a deadly virus it only perpetuates the harm to pretend that these experimental injections are safe and effective.

3. There are people in positions of power who will lie, cheat, steal, and kill to get what they want. It is best that you know this, that way you can proceed accordingly. You can act in your own best interest and protect yourself and your loved ones. And in doing so you can also serve as inspiration for others to do the same.

4. NOW is the time to stand up, to be courageous, to resist the powers that shouldn’t be. We the People have the power, we just need to feel it, know it, be it, and act on it. Blessings to all the warriors!

