My Favorite 99 Albums of 2022
Without music, life would be a mistake. — Nietzsche
Full confession….If I could only listen to 99 albums for the rest of my life none of them would have been released in 2022. But that does not mean there wasn’t some amazing music made this year, there was!, it just means that I prefer the stone-cold classics if forced to choose. Thankfully, there are no restrictions on what music we can listen to so I am always stoked to check out the latest creations from bands old and new. I settled on 99 albums this year for no legitimate reason, it just felt right. I picked one song off of each album as a representative sample for you to jump off from. The genres are all over the place and that is just how I like it. Music is life’s greatest healing elixir as I see it. So put on those headphones and drop the needle on the playlist below, you just might discover your new favorite band or song. Oh yeah, one more thing, it’s essential that you play air guitar, get up and dance, or sing out loud if the spirit moves you!😎
None but ourselves can free our minds. — Robert Nesta Marley