Wondering Aloud, №4

Stone Petoskey
6 min readDec 29, 2022


The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly. — George Carlin

‘Covid’ is not some particle that flies through the air, as such it is not something that you ‘catch.’ Nor is it a sickness or a disease or a virus. ‘Covid’ is a collection of symptoms that come to be as the body works to heal itself from the toxins in the environment and the injection. If the body did not manifest these symptoms, which are completely natural and part of the bodies innate healing response, the individual would get sicker and sicker and eventually die. The fact that most people still believe that the symptoms called ‘Covid’ are caused by flying infectious droplets (and not by the poison in our food, water, air, emf’s, cosmetics, lotions, soaps, pharmaceuticals, etc.) speaks to how spiritually disconnected we have become. It has never been proven that inert particles (viruses) in one’s cough or sneeze cause these ‘symptoms’ labeled as disease. Never. And by the way, if me saying this, pisses you off, those feelings you are having arise because the lies you have been conditioned to believe are being challenged. It’s called cognitive dissonance. And we’ve all experienced it. The ego just doesn’t want to let go of its grasp on the illusion. My own personal experience has shown me that it is to my distinct advantage to put my ego in its place, accept that I was misguided, and get on with exploring the Truth that is always available to us if we have the courage to look.

The so-called ‘side-effects’ that people suffer from when taking injections or drugs is the bodies attempt to reject the poison that was just taken into it. The more you inject yourself the ‘side-effects’ increase because the toxic load has increased. None of these injections make you healthier or ‘immune,’ they simply poison you. And if you feel differently, that is certainly your prerogative. But it’s a hard pass for me.

I am opposed to injecting chemicals such as polyethylene glycol, formaldehyde, graphene oxide, heavy metal nanoparticles, monosodium glutamate, aluminum, and god knows what else into my body (and the bodies of children). That said, I believe in bodily sovereignty, so if you want to inject your body with toxins, go for it, it is your inalienable right. And it’s my right not to. That is how a free society works and it’s the only sane approach.

If it is peace, happiness, love and freedom that you desire; stop seeking it and start expressing it.

What is with all the people being so easily offended? I mean come on already, chill the fuck out. If I had to guess I’d say it’s because they’ve been indoctrinated (taught) to feel this way. And I surmise the reason for this purposeful indoctrination is that those who are most easily offended are the ones who are most easily manipulated.

Your True identity cannot be discovered in a religion, political party, nationality, wealth, property, ideology, pronoun, gender, or any ‘thing.’ It is only to be found in Source. God. All That Is. Consciousness. The Void. Emptiness. No-Thingness.

You cannot make another person sick. To believe this is to believe a lie. Humans are not vectors of disease. All ‘sickness’ is the body’s natural healing response. A healing response can never create illness in someone else. Humans are vectors of love!

If you do not believe that it is the individuals inalienable right to say yes or no to medical advice and/or treatment, and regardless of what they decide, to not be discriminated against or segregated or ridiculed for their choice. Then I must ask you: What the fuck do you stand for?

Everything we experience is made of vibrational energy or Consciousness. So, when two people both get ‘sick’ they are resonating together — their words, thoughts, vibes are communicating and they then share the same ‘illness.’ The same force is at play with laughter, yawns, smiles, moods, and ‘vibes’ that we pick up or ‘catch.’ Have you ever falling in love? It’s the best example of what I’m talking about. How would your life change if you embraced this perspective?

I’m not sure our so-called immune system even exists. Has anyone ever found it? Has anyone ever isolated the so-called viral particles that our immune system supposedly protects us from? The answer to both questions is — No, they haven’t.

If you think the appropriate response to maintaining health is to isolate ourselves, fear each other, inject industrially manufactured chemicals, restrict our breathing with masks, and segregate our fellow human beings, then I’m going to be so bold as to say you have been played by every government the world over. Now is not the time to feel badly that you fell for the con job. Own your choices and be courageous enough to tell the world so that future generations don’t make the same mistakes as ours has.

It feels pretty insane to me for a person to allow a complete stranger to inject them with toxic drugs manufactured by a pharmaceutical company with no liability.

If you are all about ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ then there is no room for intolerance of differing points of view and opinions. Keeping an open mind and heart is essential, as is freedom of speech and bodily sovereignty, if one claims to be all about ‘inclusivity’ and ‘diversity.’

Remember this, a lie lies at the root of all mass hysteria/psychosis.

Over the last three years the masses have been programmed by greedy, inhumane people to believe that in the midst of health there is disease; in the midst of plenty there is scarcity; in the midst of love there is hate; please stop believing these lies. Humans are vectors of love. The earth provides all we need to thrive and survive. Health is our divine right. Love is our guiding principle.

I thought medical professionals had sworn to do no harm. So why are they still pushing these injections that are known to be harming and maiming and killing people? Are they still convinced that they are in the know and doing the right thing? Are they that confused and brainwashed? Are they scared to lose their job or their reputation? Why?

If one acknowledges biological reality (i.e., a human with a penis is a man, a human with a vagina is a woman); is a skeptic of Big Pharma and Government over reach; and is fully committed in support of free speech and bodily sovereignty they are now deemed ‘right wing.’ While I stand unwaveringly in support of each of these positions, I am definitely not ‘right wing.’ In fact, politically speaking, I believe the right wing and the left wing are simply two wings of the same demented bird. And it is long past time that we the people stopped outsourcing our collective power to corrupt political parties that clearly have no interest in the common good.

The events of the last 3 years have not been due to ‘mass hypnosis’….or a ‘debate’ about a virus….or an ongoing collection of unfortunate ‘mistakes’…. or an ‘overreaction to a ‘crisis’….or those in positions of leadership ‘doing the best they can to protect us and keep us safe’….NO!! The last 3 years have been a coordinated psyop by the powers that be to radically alter life as we know it. If you resisted this psyop and the 900 days (and counting) of unrelenting propaganda, gaslighting, coercion, and fear-mongering I commend you! Stay the course, a new world is dawning, and we are lighting the way!



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