Wondering Aloud, №1

Stone Petoskey
5 min readJul 12, 2022


Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new. — Ursula K. Le Guin

photo by don drew

Humans are not vectors of disease. We are vectors of LOVE. What follows are some of my thoughts on ‘things.’ I make no claim to ‘knowing.’ I simply look, listen and feel — trusting in my ONENESS with ALL — and make my interpretations from there. Whether these musings resonate is beyond my control, I’m just a mirror reflecting the Universe back to Itself. Blessings!

In my opinion dis-ease manifests due to either poisoning, malnutrition or trauma — the exact trifecta that is being forced upon humanity presently. Dis-ease DOES NOT manifest because of ‘germs.’ We are inundated with toxins in our food, water, soil, air and minds — pesticides, herbicides, fluoride, heavy metals, EMF’s, TV programming — the list is nearly endless at this point. And it is this poisoning of body, mind and soul, along with the trauma that materialism — a belief in a ‘separate self’ — perpetuates, that is the primary source of what ails us and brings to life the sickness in society we see growing larger with each passing day. It’s long past time for a new paradigm, a Remembering, a Reunion with the ONENESS that we ARE. This, and only this, will be what facilitates true healing, love and peace.

There is no ‘outside’ of you. All IS YOU. Because of this, nothing (or no one) has power over you. We are not ‘at war’ with evil or ‘the powers that be’ or ‘The Cabal’ or ‘The New World Order’ — they ARE us. We are NOT individual, separate people, we ARE the Infinite, Eternal Universe ITSELF. As such we will not be victorious by fighting the darkness of the ‘other’ since we are the ‘other’ and the darkness, as much as we are the light. They are inseparable. Two sides of the same coin. Realize this and the ‘battle’ ends. By tapping into this UNITY you FREE yourself to shine brightly — put down the judgement and hate — and transmute the darkness with light and love.

The deepest lesson the last two and a half years has exposed about humanity is whether you believe yourself to be a finite, fragile, lacking, mortal piece of flesh in the Universe that needs to be kept ‘safe’ ….or whether you KNOW yourself to be the Universe/God/Consciousness Itself that doesn’t need protection from anything because you are and will always be ETERNALLY EVERYTHING. One perspective resonates in a state of fear and ‘control,’ the other in a state of love and trust. One path leads to continued suffering, enslavement and joylessness, the other to a blossoming of peace, freedom and beauty.

Go ahead and wear a piece of toxic plastic particles on your face, lock yourself in your home, and inject your soul’s temple with poisonous, experimental, industrially manufactured chemicals if that’s what you believe will keep you healthy and ‘safe.’ But please acknowledge that NO ONE, regardless of their title or role in society, has a right to force/mandate others do ANY of these things. Without bodily sovereignty we are little more than slaves to the state.

Trust in God/Consciousness and reject the lies being sold to you by charlatans, and watch the beauty of Life unfold before your eyes!

For the germ/contagion theory to be true duality would need to be true, and since it isn’t, the theory is false. Why is duality false, because all ‘things’ are literally made of the very same Essence. All form is formed from the same SOURCE and as such can NEVER ‘infect’ itself.

The pharmaceutical industry is based on the false premise that there is something you lack. You do not lack ANYTHING. You are, in fact, Infinite and Eternal. Inseparable from ALL THAT IS. Stop believing the lie you’ve been sold and step into the truth. It is a much healthier, happier, and empowered place.

If something doesn’t make sense to you, it doesn’t make sense, period. No matter who says so, or how many people take it as gospel, doesn’t make it true. Your ability to put logic to use is directly related to your ability to detect bullshit. Lies are accepted primarily due to a lack of critical thinking and trust in ‘authority.’ Keep an open mind, yes, but don’t succumb to the ‘chosen’ narrative. In other words, above all, be true to yourself. That way you steer clear of the lies, avoid much regret, and serve as an inspiration to your fellow sentient beings.

Symptoms are the bodies healing response. They are Nature speaking to us. They are Truth lighting our way. They are decidedly NOT signs of disease. There is nothing ‘wrong’ with your body. It is a miraculous creation that is never at war against itself.

I find it absolutely mind-boggling that we are constantly talking about ‘variants’ of said ‘virus,’ when it is an irrefutable scientific fact that viral particles are inert (they don’t have a respiratory or a digestive system and have never been isolated to the satisfaction of Koch’s postulates). So how can something that isn’t even alive mutate, let alone cause disease? It can’t! We came from bacteria, we have countless germs, bacteria and viruses in our bodies at all times, they must be there for a reason, we didn’t evolve this way by accident. What a complete charade the last two and a half years has been.

In truth we are ONE BEING. Meaning we are NOT separate; you are within me and I am within you. Until such time as we collectively come to remember this truth we will continue to do harm to each ‘other.’ With this in mind, many believe the vaccines are necessary for our protection, I would posit that the belief that we need protection needs to be explored. In my view, our need for protection ultimately stems from a conditioned belief that we are meaningless, fleeting, limited, lacking flecks of dust in the universe — this view is called materialism and it’s a fabrication. So as long as we continue to believe the lie of separation and reject the truth of ONENESS, solutions to all our ‘problems’ will forever remain elusive as we are attempting to solve them from the very same consciousness that creates them. And this, to paraphrase Einstein, will never work.



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