time keeps slipping into the future

Stone Petoskey
7 min readAug 1, 2024


how did it get so late so soon? — dr. seuss

once again i’m doing a stream of consciousness piece. off the cuff. mind rambles of the moment. not looking for perfection just sharing some thoughts, wrestling with some demons, and smelling the roses. as always, my intention is to create and relate and elevate the consciousness state. i appreciate you stopping by.

it’s always a good day when you wake up! have you ever heard the expression ‘being played?’ if not, being played means you are being gaslit, fucked with, taken advantage of. and there is no question in my mind that we the people are being played at this moment in time by some seriously fucked up people. we are fed nothing but lies and propaganda meant to inflame our emotions and divide us. fact is fiction and fiction is fact. truth is no where to be seen in the building. as carl sagan once said, we are being bamboozled. those ‘in charge’ are pretending to be virtuous when in reality they are pathological in their behaviors. this is obvious if one has the courage to look around, use their critical thinking skills, and open their heart wide. none of these so-called leaders is here to keep us ‘safe’ from whatever germ or bogeyman they have told us to be afraid of. these people are nefarious actors with a most fucked up agenda. they are in no way shape or form looking out for us. they are decidedly looking out for themselves. they are absolutely not to be trusted. covid, ukraine, net zero, climate change and all the additional ‘threats’ are make-believe stories to get us to comply with their plans. these plans include stealing more of our freedoms, taking more of our wealth, and enhancing their power. they are attempting to destroy life as we have known it for generations. they intend on imprisoning us in a web of surveillance that will include digital health passports, data mining and digital currency (cbdc), etc. and they sell it all to us by saying it is for ‘our own good’ to ‘save the planet’ to keep everyone ‘safe.’ don’t fall for it people. do not comply. it is the biggest scam ever perpetuated upon humanity and it comes from a playbook as old as the hills. these baddies are cruel folks, mean, nasty, lacking in morals, willing to do whatever it takes. and they will come up with whatever justifications are necessary. here’s the thing; any person or government that is trying to implement measures that will take our bodily sovereignty, steal our freedom of speech, restrict our civil liberties and transfer enormous amounts of wealth from our hard work into their fat pockets is not looking out for you. they are 100% looking out for themselves. wake up and smell the coffee!

the other day i was at the bar having a drink

everyone was staring at their fucking phones

used to be you’d go to the bar and talk to people you didn’t know

not anymore

it’s like we’ve all turned into computers ourselves

batteries and gigs and touch screens and thumb swipes

our eyes frozen impenetrable orbs gazing at a throbbing screen

i’m fucking sick of it

i want faces

i want tears

i want smiles

i want wounds

i want stories that break your heart and tell a tale

guess i’m not going to get what i want

what the fuck else is new

hey! next round is on me

for anyone who puts their fucking phone away

and talks to a stranger

who’s game?

humans are a fucking trip. we think we’re special. better, smarter, prettier, wealthier than all the other creatures we share this earth with. we’re deluded like that. the truth is we are just another animal walking around on two legs with a brain and ears and mouths and feelings. we are just like all the rest. our lives depend upon the very same things that all the other life forms we share this planet with. if we destroy the habitat we’re fucked. done. kaput. it really isn’t complicated. if you take more than you give eventually there is nothing left to take. thing is i don’t think we’re going to figure it out. from what i’ve seen humans are insane. the only animal that believes it’s immune from reality. what a rude awakening it will be. and yet absolutely fucking hilarious.

when i reflect on the life i’ve had the immensity of my gratitude far outweighs anything else. i don’t know why we are here. i don’t know how we got here. i don’t know what it all means. i don’t know where it’s all going. i don’t know who is responsible. what i do know is that life is a blessing and a curse. a bitter and a sweetness. ablast and a bitch. a dance party and a funeral. and one day, and we never know when, it will be over. and that is why, despite all the suffering that humans bring to life, i remain ever grateful. this ride will end never to return again. and that is what makes it so fucking mind-blowing and heart-exploding.

divide to conquer is as old as time. we keep falling for it. what the fuck. i’m so over it. why isn’t it obvious? i’m beginning to think it’s just what we are. we don’t want to live in peace. we don’t want to feed the hungry. we don’t want to elevate our consciousness. we don’t want to get along. we don’t want to live in harmony with the earth. we want what we want. the consequences are irrelevant. our denial knows no bounds. if only….

i’ve been spiraling for as long as i can remember

and i do like myself more when i’m tender

though i sometimes fail at this

for every straight line there is a twist

so long as i don’t follow another’s path

i might just have learned something in the aftermath

but what if it’s all just a dream?

will i ever know what it all means?

perhaps one day the answers will be revealed

but for now the envelop is sealed

so i’ll just keep walking on my way

feeling grateful for another day

as someone who has spent a fair amount of his adult life trying to ‘change the world’ i can attest to it being a fool’s errand. there is no changing the world. the world is what it is and that is that. it took me many moons to learn this lesson. and that’s ok. some get it right away and some don’t ever get it. no matter. all is in its place. all is as it must be. all is, in fact, well. it is only my mind that tricks me into believing it is otherwise. once i learned this lesson and fell in love with what is (and sometimes i still forget) life got a hell of a lot easier and happier and intentional. and it is that intentionality that has continued to inspire me to make the most of this opportunity and in so doing i’ve no doubt that my task here will be complete whenever my time is up. and maybe the world will be a little different because of me and you and him and her and this and that. or maybe not. either way, i’m cool with it.

go where you’ve got to go. do what you’ve got to do. be who you’ve got to be. minutes lost are never returned. they turn into hours and days and years. quicker than you can imagine. so get off your ass. buck up. believe in yourself. and get to work doing what you want to do and being who you want to be. the world doesn’t give a fuck about you. no sir. if you’re lucky you’ve got a few friends and some family that cares. if your lucky. but even then. you best learn how to be true to you. because no one else can do it for you. freedom is frightening to most. the unknown keeps us prisoner to the known. and those bars of steel want to steal your soul. your beauty. your joy. your dreams. don’t fucking let them. this world is full of fakes. be a real one.

there are forces that want your mind, heart, body and soul. and they will do whatever it takes to get what they want. do not allow them to do so. stand for something like your life depends on it. because it does.

love always wins. always.

*art work by alex grey

