What Is The Point?

Stone Petoskey
3 min readJul 20, 2022


This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play. — Alan Watts

photo don drew

What is the point of the behavior of our so-called leaders the world over? For the life of me I can’t seem to glean there is much that is mindful, compassionate, joyful or loving about the direction they are driving the bus.

Fear is clearly at the wheel, though we would never admit that. And my goodness, what of the incessant need to control everyone and everything. It’ll never work out as intended, of that I am certain.

And the lying. Can we please stop. Truth telling is the only courageous and loving way to act. And we are failing miserably. Lies are all about the place in politics, healthcare, education, entertainment, business, banking — it’s become cartoon-like.

And the skullduggery. In medicine we’ve discarded the foundational tenants of informed consent and do no harm. In law we’ve charged and convicted two prominent and well-connected individuals with trafficking children to nobody. And where did our freedom of speech and bodily sovereignty go? All the while, the main stream media says nothing. It really is the upside down world.

We are more dis-eased in body, mind and spirit than we’ve ever been. And despite our false constructs to the contrary, we are one human family co-creating this experience. What we believe we conceive. This is both magical and terrifying.

And yet, I believe we are exactly where we are meant to be, simply because it’s where we are, and this isn’t solely because of some Dr. Evil-like Global Cabal run amok. We are all playing our role. And just to state the obvious, we cannot comply our way out of this.

We are in the midst of a deep spiritual and cultural unraveling, and while it’s been a collective effort to bring us to the cliffs edge, it’s also been a long time coming. The signs that a radical shift in life as we know it is imminent couldn’t be more obvious. What then?

It’ll either be real ugly, or not. I think that we’ll have a heart-felt epiphany. A remembering of who we truly are and our place in the cosmos — a love connection as it were — a stepping out of fear/separation consciousness and into love/unity Consciousness.

From a metaphysical, or cosmic karmic level, we seem to be calling for a lesson in humility, grace and reunion, and the only way we’re going to collectively ‘come out of the darkness’ is to have a breakdown of our current belief systems and the corrupt and confused societal structures they have created.

Painful and beautiful things happen when faced with a crisis of such epic proportions that our usual coping mechanisms no longer work and we must reconcile the consequences of our actions. Bring it on.

Well, all that to say, what I feel is most important for each of us to do at this time in our collective story (not that anyone is asking me!), is to greet each day with gratitude and love in our hearts, to act with integrity and courage, and find like-minded people to connect with!

And be sure to appreciate the sunrise, the earth beneath our feet, the twinkle in our lover’s eyes, the taste of the ripe peach, the laughter of the children, the sparkle of the firefly, the comfort of an intentional hug, the value of acting honorably, speaking truth, and standing up for our freedoms. And in so doing we serve as an example of love and light that can inspire others to do the same.

We never truly know what life has in store for us. Best to cherish the blessings and LOVE with all we’ve got.

Keep the faith. Smile. Give thanks. Hug often. You are here, in this moment, so dig it!



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