Wondering Aloud, №5

Stone Petoskey
3 min readFeb 4, 2023


We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are. — Anais Nin

photo by stone petoskey

To live with beauty or ugliness, you need tremendous energy. To live in a world of this kind, where there is propaganda, influence, pressure, control, false ideas, to face it all, you must have tremendous energy. To have energy, there must be no fear, which means not demanding anything of life. I don’t know if you can go as far as that, not to ask a thing of life. We do need physical comforts — food and shelter — but beyond that, to demand something of life means you are begging, and therefore you are afraid. It requires intense energy to stand alone. J. Krishnamurti

Smile. Often. Every day. And mean it. Share that smile with the world. It makes everything happier. And this world sure as fuck needs more smiles.

All the distractions obscure the view. All the focus on the external steals us from ourselves. Our real home is within. When we forget this, we lose our way, and our connection to the infinite, eternal, divine nature of who we truly are. As Thich Nhat Hahn says, ‘I have arrived, I am home.’

When we remember that the ultimate purpose of being born is to express ourself, love oneself, appreciate being alive, and have fun; we are healed of the many afflictions that cloud our path.

Physical and psychological certainty is like smoke. It’s ephemeral. Nothing is certain in life and when we release our demand for it to be otherwise, we open up to the infinite possibilities that exist. When we let go of all beliefs and dogmas, we are granted access to the eternal truth that we are one with all that is. We then align with the perfection that exists within ambiguity, and allow the sunbeams of life to penetrate our being in service of the highest good.

We each have a purpose. No matter our physical or mental condition. No matter the behaviors we inhabit. Honor your presence here.

Greet each day as if it could be your last. That way you are fully in it. You are present in the now. The only time that is real.

We are love made manifest.

Leave the judgement out of it. All is as it is meant to be. Accept it as it is. Living from this place opens a door to joy and gratitude.

There is no pressure except for what we put on ourselves. Breathe and relax into life. There is nothing to prove and nowhere to ‘get to,’ we are already there.

When it’s time to go, it’s time to go. Give thanks for what was, embrace what is, and celebrate what is to come. There is beauty and perfection in all of it.

Death is a releasing of the body, something that never was truly who we were to begin with. It is a stepping into the realm of eternal bliss. It is the ultimate freedom.

Mistakes are essential. The more you make the better you get at what you are trying to get better at. He who fears mistakes, fears freedom. And joy. And growth.

Empathy is lucidity. When you tap into your ability to understand and share the feelings of another you evolve. You harness your powers to effect positive change. You also bring a touch of goodness to the experience, for you and others. And this world sure as fuck needs more goodness.

The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue center light pop and everybody goes ‘Awww!’ — Jack Kerouac



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