Wondering Aloud, №10

Stone Petoskey
2 min readJul 1, 2023


Order is not pressure which is imposed on society from without, but an equilibrium which is set up from within. — Jose Ortega y Gasset

photo by d.a.d.

When we hide from or quarrel with our truth, we diminish our light. When we stand wholly in our truth, we shine brightly and gloriously. Let go of the struggle and strife and step completely into your truth. This will allow for a healing and sublime essence to encircle and engulf you, and your creative spark will ignite, so your life becomes a work of art that you share with the world.

Relax. Breathe. Be. Love.

The goal is not to be liked. The goal is to be true to you. Do that and the ones you are looking for will come dancing into your life.

A hard win blows. A terrific storm comes. Sheets of rain so thick one can’t see. Howling ghosts circle. Thunder claps burst the sky. Lightning ignites the senses. It is in the most challenging moments that the tree must sink its roots deeper, bend to the will of Mother Nature’s forces, let go and go with the flow, if it intends to survive. We are no different. Embrace the dark moments, they are harbingers of the coming of the light.

You are enough. You are Infinite. You are Eternal. You are Miraculous. You are Divine. You are Inseparable from All That Is.

If you greet the day with strong resolve and you end the day with pure reflection, you can change your thoughts and emotions, and in so doing you can change your life.

Life is not a contest. It’s not a race. There is no one in front. There is no one behind. There are no winners. There are no losers. Life is life. A journey walked. We each play the role of student and teacher. We are mirrors reflecting life back to one another. What will you choose to reflect to the Universe?

No one is more enlightened than the next guy. Enlightenment is not something to be sought as it can’t be found. Enlightenment is available right here, right now. To everyone.

Control is based in fear. Trust is based in love. Point your arrow at the target and trust the outcome.

Set boundaries, yes. But let them be light, like a glittering, shimmering, sparkling song that sings I will be respected, I will be honored, I will be adored for the sacred being that I AM.

I think, and I think, and I think some more, but happiness never comes walking through the door.

