Wondering Aloud, №11
Moment after moment, everyone comes out from nothingness. This is the true joy of life. -Shunryu Suzuki
Cults have leaders. Communities, on the other hand, don’t. Once we realize this distinction, perhaps we’ll stop with the madness and futility of politics and voting as a perceived solution to the numerous afflictions that trouble us two-legged’s. I’m not holding my breath on this, but one can dream. Oddly, the vast majority of people still see politics as the best path forward for the common man and his ability to influence the big picture and ‘make his voice heard.’ Additionally, and perhaps most curious of all, people want to be led, to follow orders, to be told what to do. In other words, they want to belong to a cult. It’s as if they can’t comprehend the possibility that humans could exist relatively peacefully without authority. They feel the world would fall into profound chaos without the lost souls who ascend to the top of the political food chain. Of course, if one took an honest look around, it would be clear we’re living in mass chaos already. While I am no expert, and pointedly you should not listen to what I have to say, if I were to speculate as to why people choose to be led, to surrender their own authority, I’d guess it makes them feel like they belong to something. It makes them feel like they are ‘doing’ something. It makes them feel hopeful. And all that is fine, I’m certainly not one to judge or have ‘the answers,’ we’re just the two-legged’s after all, doing what it is two-legged’s do. I, for the little its worth, have no desire to follow, support, or vote for any political party; I know I belong in the realist sense, always have always will; I know there is nothing to ‘do’ about any of this thing called civilization; I know I am hopeless because hope is future based and the future is a figment of our imagination; ultimately, and perhaps most essentially, I know that I don’t know. My point is, do I have one?, don’t pay attention to me, seriously, I’m fucking clueless. Just call me Mr. Idontknowschitt.
Vaccines, of which we now administer 70 some doses to our precious little children, are toxic and completely antithetical to health and well-being. What they are good for is making fucktons of money for a certain collection of corrupt corporations and individuals, and keeping the masses dependent, fearful, and disempowered. Ask yourself this, does it make any sense whatsoever that humans would need something toxic injected into their body to keep them safe from a so-called germ or pathogen? I encourage you to really go into this belief for yourself, I did and what came to light blew my mind. Don’t take the word of some so-called expert, some outside authority. Think upon it and decide based on your own inner reflection whether it makes any sense, or if it’s just a belief that you have accepted as a truth.
This realization is what finally got me to come to my senses: If there is nothing external to me, and there isn’t, then there is nothing I need (or lack) that comes from ‘outside’ of me to be healthy.
To believe that a pill or a potion or a lotion or device or a guru or a doctor or a protocol or a politician or a machine is the solution to whatever affliction it is one is suffering from is to believe in a lie.
A woman is a woman. A man is a man. One can never become the other. And furthermore, pronouns are nonsensical, they are not who you are.
Authority is an illusion. Don’t comply.
War, whether actively killing people or funding the killing of people, is never justified. Though we will of course continue to justify our horrific behavior. Fucking humans.
Do not trust the majority. They are followers. And in almost every instance; misguided, fearful and lost.
If your fear of death is such that you will surrender your freedoms to keep yourself ‘safe’ or because you want to ‘do the right thing’ you are a slave.
No one is higher or lower than anyone else. We all are in the same place. The only place that is real. This place right here right now.
All of life is a reflection of all of life. We are not two.
Contagious pathogens and the belief that governments are trustworthy are the conspiracies. Chemtrails, EMF’s, toxic injections, harmful pesticides, cultural programming, manipulative and corrupt governments & media & banks & alphabet agencies are the facts. Once you step out of the delusion, stop trusting these institutions and the people that run them, and come to the realization that most everything you’ve been told and sold is a lie, then and only then, do you touch freedom. Of course, all the goings on of the moment are exactly perfect as they are, there is not-a-thing ‘wrong.’ That is not to say that all the things that happen in life are ‘meant to be’ (I’ve no idea if they are or they are not), or that there is some ‘agenda’ at play (though there is, isn’t there?), or that if you feel compelled to ‘fight the power’ (as I do) that you are wasting your time; time seems made up to me and as such can’t be wasted. So you do you. Go for it! Play your role in the human circus, it’s all groovy. All of it.
When you are experiencing bodily symptoms listen to them, feel them, connect with them. They are natural, they are literally a healing response of miraculous proportion and intent. Do not suppress them with some kind of treatment. Symptoms do not indicate there is something wrong with your body, as there can never be anything wrong with your body. They are a message, a wisdom, a truth asking you to change, to align with your true self. Nature, of which you and your body are an inseparable part, does not make mistakes. Ever.
Diversity is an illusion. Advocating for it only perpetuates the illusion and further separates us from each other and the truth of inter-being. Don’t play along. Don’t push your insecurity and morality on others. Just rest in the glorious beauty and truth of you as you are and trust that that is your unique gift to the world. Whether the world accepts you or not doesn’t fucking matter. You accept you and all the rest falls into place. You are lovable just as you are. In fact, you are love made manifest and you lack nothing. Know this and you are free.
The words I write, the direction I point to with my thoughts, it’s all an exercise in futility. None of it will fix anything. Why? Because nothing is broken, so nothing needs fixing. I keep doing it though. Ha! I’ve still got so much to unlearn. Wonder if I’ll get the lesson this time or if I’ll have to come back?
Peace out,
Mr. Idontknowschitt