Wondering Aloud, №15

Stone Petoskey
9 min readNov 2, 2023


It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. — e.e. cummings

The greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and desires nothing better than to be told what to do. Provided the rulers do not interfere with its material comforts and its cherished beliefs, it is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled. — Aldous Huxley

If you believe that you are a distinct and separate self that exists in a Universe of other then it will seem very logical and rational to you to treat every ‘thing’ that you perceive to exist outside of yourself — whether it’s people, plants, animals, rivers, oceans, mountains, minerals, or any life form or sentient being — as a tool to use as you please for your own desired ends. And you will likely believe that you can use these ‘things’ as much as you want without consequence because you see ‘it’ as a resource for ‘you’ and not an actual living, breathing, source of intelligence, consciousness and life. And this is exactly how our present-day economic, political, educational, and cultural System — the material machine world — treats all these separate ‘things’ that are here for us humans to extract, take, kill and consume to our heart’s content, without limit. This perspective — the I am separate — is completely false, and in fact, utter madness, but it is how most of the human population, who is brought up in this insane system, perceives reality. And, it is an absolute certainty, that this false belief in a separate self will lead to the annihilation, and potential extinction, of the human species, and much, though not all, of Nature. The question is not, will we find our way out of the path of self-destruction we are on? We won’t. The question is, could it have been any other way? And to that, I say no. Because if it could have been different, it would have been. Us two-legged’s are what we are, and that is that. As to whether this was all meant to be, I’ve no clue. Maybe nothing is meant to be, nothing happens for a reason, and everything simply is, and that, once again, is that. Or maybe it was all meant to be, and that again is that. So, what is one to do with all of this? Be cool. Know your place, meaning recognize you are a strand in the web of Life inseparable from all that is, and above all, get to living — joyously, fearlessly, gratefully, intentionally, courageously, compassionately and lovingly — because death is one day going to come knocking. And one last suggestion. Love yourself. Know you are fucking lovable. Know you are fucking love incarnate. Love made fucking manifest. Created by love for love and in love, always and forever more. Fuck yeah! You don’t need to find love, you are love. Once you fully align with, and integrate this truth, everything else will fall into place.

Famous people have got their neurosis, their struggles, their fears, their bullshit games, just like all the rest of us. All humans are caught up in our egos. Until we’re not. And most of us never get to the not part. We live within a cultural system that perpetuates a life of confusion and delusion, and all the while we tell ourselves how awesome we are and how amazing the system is. Our capacity for denial knows no bounds. At present, fame has become cartoon-like. Everywhere you look it’s about fame — politics, music, social media, sports, television, podcasts, art, literature, business — everyone is trying to get their 15 minutes. The more fame we attract and worship collectively, the more delusional society becomes. The evidence is there for anyone willing to see. I find fame hilarious and repugnant all at once. Trivial and trite. Pathetic even. But hey, you do you. It’s all just a game in the end.

No one has ever shown evidence of a physical sample of the so-called Covid-19 virus. It has appeared on computer screens, and the experts have been telling us it exists, but in point of fact, no one has possession of a sample of the actual virus. Wild isn’t it. The whole world was thrown into chaos (it wasn’t intentional, was it?), and the thing that caused it hasn’t even been proven to exist. The so-called covid 19 virus has never been isolated. Funny thing is, no virus has ever been isolated. A virus must, at minimum, meet Koch’s postulates to be shown to exist, and no virus has done so. Given this, no virus exists. And virology as we’ve been practicing it is a sham. In a very interesting turn of fate, viruses are dead, they have no circulatory or respiratory systems. But you won’t hear about any of this unless you go investigating for yourself, which I have done extensively over the last 3 years. One reason more people haven’t done so is because most people trust scientists and science, they are our modern-day religion. People believe the scientists today like they believed the priests long ago. And not unlike religion, science is a phenomenally powerful money-making machine and a most excellent way to control the minds and behavior of people. If you ask someone to prove the existence of god, they cannot, but they have faith that god exists. The same holds true for viruses, no one has proven they exist, and subsequently that they cause disease and make us sick, it is taken on faith, because a scientist says so (just like a priest says so). And furthermore, we’ve been led to believe that viruses are contagious, meaning that humans are vectors of disease. How fucked up is that. I don’t believe any of this story. I don’t believe that just because some so-called authority says something is true, that it is. I prefer to use my critical thinking skills and my beginner’s mind, consider all the evidence and then draw my own conclusions. Faith does not enter into the experience for me. And because of this, I did not fall prey to the coercion, lies, fear, shame and gaslighting of the past 3 plus years. I stood strong against the oppression, practiced courage and fearlessness, and lived in my truth. And today, I’m very stoked that I did. Of course, there was never any doubt in my mind that I would make the choices I did under the circumstances. Why? Because I’m a fool. I know that I don’t know shit and that makes me the wisest man in the room.

If each of us were to replace conformity and compliance with courage and integrity, we would literally change the world in an instant.

I’ve been working with my thoughts, with the ‘monkey-mind’ for a long, long time. Each day I set aside time to meditate. I have read extensively in the field of the mind. It has been a passion of mind for most of my life. In this spirit I’ve been thinking on things and there are those who believe that our thoughts create our reality. And I would say I agree with that belief. Most of the time. And I have had many experiences in my life where I have been able to reorient myself by shifting my thoughts and I have made many a dream come true, both of which support this particular position. So, in that sense I have directly influenced my personal reality by my thoughts alone. But there is also the belief that says we are not in control of anything, including our thoughts. That freewill does not exist. That, if we truly could control our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors then we would never think a negative thought, feel lonely or insecure, or make a poor choice. And when I reflect upon this perspective, I also see the truth in it based on my own experience. I have thought negative, hurtful, unhealthy thoughts many times, and still do. I still feel insecure. I still do foolish things. I still experience life events that are unequivocally out of my control no matter how much I think it should be unfolding differently. And so, from this vantage point it becomes clear that to believe our thoughts control our attitudes, actions, and experiences — our very reality — is to believe in a fantasy. Interestingly, if I believe I am in control there are endless barriers to be overcome, burdens to be vanquished, shame and blame to extinguish. And I feel like a failure, because I was unable to manifest something I truly desired or avoid the hurt that comes with living. Whereas, if I believe that I am not in control I feel none of these things. I am simply free. Life happens, and that is that. Clearly, I don’t have the answers and I don’t pretend to know which perspective is ‘how life really works.’ In the end I suppose it doesn’t matter, as life is going to go on being life regardless. And in this ongoing play of life, we each get to choose in which perspective we want to stake our claim. Or do we?

To try and get us humans to behave respectfully and kindly towards each other through pushing diversity is nonsense and it will never work. Why? Because all people (and all life forms for that matter) come from the same Essence to begin with. If we were to acknowledge this truth we wouldn’t have to proceed with the charade we currently are drowning ourselves in. But no, we are going about this completely backwards and in so doing creating more confusion, judgement, division and conflict. It’s madness.

If you attempt to connect the who you are to a nation, a culture, a gender, a religion, a flag, political party, a birthplace, a sports team, an ethnicity — to anything material, you will be perpetually disappointed, frustrated, and perhaps most heart-breaking, ignorant. But this is what the vast majority of us do. Why? Because that is what we are taught to do in this insane culture we are living in. And in so doing, we try, over, and over, and over again to solve the problems of hate, violence, prejudice, war, famine, ecological destruction, fear, and all our other neurosis from this place of ignorance. And so, quite unsurprisingly, our problems never get solved, our neurosis never transformed. If we want to heal, to live in harmony and peace, to reach our fullest potential, we cannot do so by connecting who we are to who we are not. Meaning, who we are has nothing, and I mean nothing, to do with any of these things — country, religion, ethnicity, gender, etc. Who we are is Infinite, Eternal, Divine, Supreme Consciousness, and once we come to this realization all our afflictions will magically disappear. Given this, the most meaningful task an individual can undertake for themselves, the whole of humanity, Mother Earth and the Cosmos Herself, is to come to realize who they truly are.

I’ve made it implicitly clear that I believe the pandemic was, and continues to be, part of a global psyop, and just one of many links in the chain of a global totalitarian state that the powers that shouldn’t be are attempting to implement via their agendas of — ongoing war, build back better, the climate change, the digital currency, the smart cities, health passports, technocracy and transhumanism — and all the agendas that fall within the confines of the Agenda 2030 master plan.



It is my opinion that 99% of self-help, psychological, new age, and motivational teachings aren’t going to lead you to freedom from suffering because they come at this being alive experience from the perspective that you are a limited, lacking, skin-encased ego that is separate entity from all other entities — and it is this incorrect (and impractical) perspective that makes all these solutions essentially useless. If you want to realize health and well-being then first realize you are Infinite Eternal Consciousness, then everything will naturally fall into place. So long as you believe something or someone outside of you is the solution to what ails you (and again, there is nothing separate from you) then you will continue to create suffering. Stop seeking and the suffering will greatly diminish.

Culture is a perversion. It fetishizes objects, creates consumer mania, preaches endless forms of false happiness, false understanding in the form of squirrelly religious and silly cults. It invites people to dehumanize themselves by behaving like machines. — Terence McKenna

artwork by: https://www.instagram.com/jasonlimon/



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