Wondering Aloud, №6
Society tames the wolf into a dog. And man is the most domesticated animal of all. — Nietzsche
The totality of all that is, of everything that we experience, of everything that arises in all the Universe is contained eternally within each of us. When you know this, feel this, trust this, resonate with this, there is nothing to fear. You are free!
The purpose of life is not to avoid death. A fool’s errand if ever there was one. The purpose of life (if there is one) is to discover who you truly are!
Maybe the world is going to shit. The human circus is in full effect that’s for sure. My suggestion, not that anyone asked me, is to sit back, twist one up and enjoy a tasty beverage. You’ve got a front row seat to the end of the world. Might as well enjoy it for as long as you can!
By emphasizing our differences and striving for diversity as a means to ‘fix’ discrimination and racism we are completely missing the point. We have it all backwards. Diversity is an illusion. So is race. Why do I say this? Because our entire premise is false. The truth is that all ‘things’ — and this includes us two-legged’s — are made from the very same Essence. Therefore, to start with the belief that we are separate and our various races or sexual orientations or religions is what makes us ‘different,’ will only lead to more struggle and conflict and disorder. Which, not surprisingly, is exactly what we see in the world today. If we genuinely want to live in harmony we must begin with the understanding that we are one and all we need to ‘fix’ is our false perception to the contrary!
Each of us has a choice. We either trust the so-called experts and do what society tells us to do or we look into the goings on in this life and learn to trust ourselves and do what honors that truth. I don’t know about you, but I’m going to live my life exploring this world on my terms and trusting what I discover. In my humble opinion, it’s a far more exhilarating, joyful, loving, and mindful way to be an example of a life well-lived!
I’m going to be as clear and simple as I can on this topic. I will never inject myself with a petroleum-based, industrially manufactured, toxic chemical laden concoction. Why not? I believe vaccines are poisons which only further our collective state of disease and suffering. (The fact that they also make billions for big pharma and its government minions doesn’t sit right with me either.) That said, as someone who stands for freedom of choice and bodily sovereignty above all else, you do you, and let me do me, and it’s all good. There nothing sane, just, compassionate, or loving about mandating or requiring anyone to inject their body with vaccines. I think I made that clear enough. Have a blessed day!
What if, when a thought or feeling arises that makes us feel anxious, or angry, or afraid instead of trying to control, or fix, or somehow try to cope with it, we did the opposite of what this feeling or thought is asking us to do. What if we simply let go of the trying and coping and fixing and accepted the thought or feeling? What if we were still and let the feeling be felt, for as long as it took for the anxiousness, anger or fear to subside? What might we then discover?
As death is coming for each of us, I posit that the most meaningful question one can ask as regards what constitutes a well-lived life is, ‘Was I true and loving to myself.’ Why do I say this? Well, if on your death bed, you can answer yes, then your last moments will be peaceful, if however, you answer no, then your last moments will offer you more suffering. And furthermore, all that happens in the in between — in the moments between your birth and death — will be far more glorious if you honor this question by living it!
Any and all censorship — restricting freedom of speech — is based in fear. Of course this will make no sense to the ones doing the censoring or the ones who support censorship. The irony and ignorance these days is epic. How about this; if you don’t like what someone has to say, ignore them. Or better yet, engage in discourse with them, you never know what you (or they) might learn or unlearn.
If we continue to seek comfort, identity, safety, self-worth and well-being in objects — drugs, money, pronouns, gender, sexual orientation, politics, etc. — we will continue to perpetuate our collective and individual suffering. Of course, the common cultural belief is that these objects are what will bring us all that we seek. Once again, we are being lied to, or rather we are lying to ourselves. Objects can never bring us what we seek, because what we seek is already within us!
Our culture conditioning says that we are separate egos encased in skin, who are lacking and limited. Not only is this a lie, it is a prison. I hope you can see the invisible bars and choose to escape this lie prison. It’s at times discombobulating outside the cell, truth has that kind of effect in a culture based in lies, but that is a good thing. Freedom is always worth it!
Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing the lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain. — Jack Kerouac