Wondering Aloud, №9

Stone Petoskey
4 min readJun 2, 2023


art by alex grey

The world that used to nurse us now keeps shouting inane instructions. That’s why I ran to the woods. — Jim Harrison

What we call consensus reality is similar to what we call money. They are constructs. Neither has any value unless everyone believes it has value. As long as we continue to pretend there is value in money there will be. As long as we continue to pretend that consensus reality is real it will appear to be so. But the moment we stop pretending, and believing in the lies we’ve agreed upon, reality will be revealed for what it truly is, and incidentally what we call money will be seen for what it actually is, worthless.

Healing is available to us all. It is built into us. It is our birthright. Each of us holds the power. Not something or someone else. Not a pill, or an injection, or a protocol, or a procedure, or a ‘cure.’ Anyone, or anything, that directs you away from this truth is either a charlatan or ignorant. Don’t fall for it. Simply put, there is nothing that you lack. Does this mean we can avert death? Of course not. Death is as natural as birth, and just as beautiful and pure. And if you go to the heart of the matter, birth and death are inseparable, spiraling together endlessly and perfectly.

Simply sit with your suffering. Don’t try and cope with it. Don’t try and distract yourself from it. Be still and allow it in. And see what you discover.

Drop all the methods, techniques, mindsets, and affirmations and just let go into the moment. It contains all you will ever need.

No matter the outcome it has nothing to do with your inherent self-worth. Win, lose, smile, cry, none of it alters the fact that you are whole, complete, lacking nothing, love and loved — just the way you are.

Leave the drama and the gossip and the I-know-it-all-ism behind, don’t let it in for even a moment and keep your intention and vision focused on the path. It can be done.

Fear will come. You will feel it coursing through you. But don’t ever mistake the fear you feel for who you are. You are sublimely you. You are not the fear. Always.

Do things happen for a reason or do we just like to tell ourselves that because it makes us feel better, it lets us off the hook, like there is some kind of all-encompassing power dictating outcomes and we have no say in the unfolding? What if things don’t happen for a reason, they just happen, what then? How does your perspective express itself based on what you believe?

What if the idea of ‘mindset’ is just more bullshit being sold by all the self-help gurus, coaches, therapists, teachers, doctors, etc.? What if you dropped seeking a particular ‘mindset’ and instead settled into the moment at hand?

Most of the chatter in our minds is distracting us from what’s true. Be still and connect to that stillness which speaks to you from deep within. That stillness is the primordial wisdom that spirals through all time and space and never ends and never pretends.

Don’t bullshit yourself into believing the lies sold to you by culture which says you are a limited and lacking ‘thing.’ NO! Who you truly are is Infinite Eternal Consciousness. The Source of All That Is. Sure, you have to go about life doing all the ‘things’ you have to do — work, raise a family, pay bills, have sex, mourn the loss of loved ones, eat, shit, grow old — but none of this alters the fact that you are the Divine Spark. Live with this awareness, this unknowing, and you are eternally free.

The problems you experience are a reflection of you. So, the way ‘out’ of the problems is to look into what it is you are, who it is that is experiencing all these problems. If you believe you are a limited, lacking dot in the universe your problems will continue to trouble you. If, on the other hand, you recognize you are the Universe, your problems will magically begin to float away like clouds in the sky.

While it is a noble pursuit to want to improve one’s relationships the path to doing so is not what we’ve been taught. Improvements will not come if you see the ‘you’ and the ‘I’ as separate, which most of us do. If, however, you focus your attention on the fact that ‘you’ and ‘I’ are a Singular Being, then you will find that ‘your’ suffering no longer has a place to reside, as all blame has been cast into one.

To seek what it is that we are seeking — comfort, peace, love, acceptance — in ‘things’ — relationships, substances, money, success, fame, social media likes, political parties, etc. — will only lead to more dissatisfaction. Stop all the seeking and what you are looking for will finally be found.

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. — Muhammad Ali

artwork by Alex Grey: https://www.alexgrey.com/



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