You Say, I Say

Stone Petoskey
7 min readSep 8, 2022


Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. — Yoda

photo by stone

Politically speaking, it is that under conditions of terror most people will comply but some people will not, just as the lesson of the countries to which the Final Solution was proposed is that “it could happen” in most places but it did not happen everywhere. Humanly speaking, no more is required, and no more can reasonably be asked, for this planet to remain a place fit for human habitation. — Hannah Arendt

The weakness of those of us who take a gaudy satisfaction in our ideas, and battle for them violently, and face punishment for them willingly and even proudly, is that we forget the primary business of the man in politics, which is the snatching and safeguarding of his job. That business, it must be plain, concerns itself only occasionally with the defense and propagation of ideas, and even then it must confine itself to those that, to a reflective man, must usually appear to be insane. The first and last aim of the politician is to get votes, and the safest of all ways to get votes is to appear to the plain man to be a plain man like himself, which is to say, to appear to him to be happily free from any heretical treason to the body of accepted platitudes — to be filled to the brim with the flabby, banal, childish notions that challenge no prejudice and lay no burden of examination upon the mind…. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. — H.L. Mencken

We are losing the forest for the trees. Be still. Go within. Open your heart. Clear your mind. Know you are inseparable from all that IS. There is nothing to fear. Choose love.

If we fall prey to the division, the divide to conquer, ‘the powers that be’ own us. Don’t let them. Don’t play their sad and low vibration game. The ultimate truth is We Are One. Me is Thee. All separation is an illusion.

For example, from a political perspective Democrat vs. Republican/Liberal vs. Conservative (I myself am apolitical, if I must use a label I would say I’m a Voluntaryist/Anarchist) is one of the constructs that is used by ‘the powers that be’ to keep We The People fighting amongst ourselves. This way we are divided and distracted from realizing our Oneness and asserting our collective power to stand boldly in freedom, truth and love.

photo by stone

A culture that allows the concept of ‘safety’ to creep so far that it equates emotional discomfort with physical danger is a culture that encourages people to systematically protect one another from the very experiences embedded in daily life that they need in order to become strong and healthy. ― Greg Lukianoff

I have been writing my thoughts on this Covid-19 story for two years running and the questions, accusations, and declarations — a veritable You say, I say — continue to fly incessantly about the place. Contradicting narratives that only serve to further divide We The People. This is exactly the intention of ‘the powers that be.’ Don’t fall for it.

Is there a pandemic? At this point, it’s beside the point. The entire narrative is propaganda brought to you by GloboCap and Mr. Global to implement further totalitarianism and The Great Reset. All under the guise of keeping us ‘safe’ and ‘building back better.’ This manipulation technique is a tired and pathetic device ‘the powers that be’ have used to gain ever greater control and to further oppress humanity for many moons. Do not comply.

Are vaccines legitimate tools of protection from disease? At this point, it’s beside the point. These Covid-19 vaccines are experimental, ineffective and harmful. Global mortality has increased since the vaccines were forced upon humanity. By participating in this agenda we are empowering and enabling these bad actors. Do not comply.

Are masks, lockdowns and PCR tests legitimate tools of disease protection/prevention? At this point, it’s beside the point. Masks, lockdowns and PCR tests are dehumanizing. They are a means to subjugate us. They are also toxic to the health of our bodies, minds and spirits. They are being utilized by ‘the powers that be’ to perpetuate the illusion of a pandemic and keep us beholden to their fear-mongering agenda. Do not comply.

Do viruses exist? Is the germ theory correct? At this point, it’s beside the point. ‘The powers that be’ are utilizing the invisible threat of a virus to manipulate and gaslight us into further compliance with their agenda. It is the perfect tool that they can implement ceaselessly to hold us hostage. Do not comply.

By playing the game of You Say, I Say we are doing exactly what ‘the powers that be’ want us to do. The notion that someone is ‘right’ and someone else is ‘wrong’ is beside the point. Do not comply.

photo by stone

So, what is the point? The entire narrative of Covid-19 (and any crisis ‘the powers that be’ conjure up going forward) must be ridiculed and crushed into oblivion, never to return again. And the same goes for Woke, Inc. Otherwise, the totalitarian agenda of control (and depopulation?) will continue apace and only create greater suffering for humanity. Whatever ‘the powers that be’ have up their sleeve for us next must be resisted.

I am not advocating violence, just the opposite in fact, by simply not participating in their narrative/lie and choosing non-violent civil disobedience, we can put an end to the Totalitarian Tiptoe that is working feverishly to gain ever greater control.

As I see it, voting isn’t going to solve anything, that game is rigged and has been for a long, long time. Nor is wishful thinking centered around a belief in the infallibility and ‘can-do-ness’ of the two-legged mammal called human. What is going to be required of We The People goes far beyond anything we’ve ever done and will demand we step way outside of our current comfort zone.

Whether we are up to the task remains to be seen and hope is a word that doesn’t enter into my belief system. To bring our wise friend Yoda back: Do or do not, there is no try. My expectation is that ‘the powers that be’ will continue with their fear based shenanigans and if We The People don’t unite and elevate ourselves into a Love Consciousness — to bring to life a new paradigm — industrial civilization will further deteriorate as we first worlders enter into a very inhospitable future.

photo by stone

What is so deceptive about the state of mind of the members of a society is the “consensual validation” of their concepts. It is naively assumed that the fact that the majority of people share certain ideas or feelings proves the validity of these ideas and feelings. Nothing is further from the truth. Consensual validation as such has no bearing whatsoever on reason or mental health… The fact that millions of people share the same vices does not make these vices virtues, the fact that they share so many errors does not make the errors to be truths, and the fact that millions of people share the same forms of mental pathology does not make these people sane. — Erich Fromm

Here’s the thing, in a sane society, we must each be able to decide what is best for ourselves. Meaning, no one has the right to determine what is best for another. Each of us must take responsibility for ourselves, period. Your life is your medicine. Don’t fall prey to the lies and fear. The notion that my safety is more important than your freedom is part of the mindfuck being used by ‘the powers that be’ to create the epic divisions that currently exist amongst We The People.

The so-called ‘other’ or the notion of a separate self, is a fabrication, and by believing this lie, and going along with it, we construct and maintain our own prison.

And please understand, I am not saying that humans do not depend upon one another and Mother Earth for our survival, we obviously do. Clean air and water, healthy food and sunshine are gifts bestowed upon us by the Great Spirit without which we would all perish. It is in our collective best interests to work together, just not in the ways being dictated to us by ‘the powers that be.’ Their propaganda is a very different proposition from the one I’m advocating.

I suggest the only legitimate way forward to a culture of freedom, love and sanity, is for each of us, as individuals, to take personal responsibility for our own health and well-being and lead with love. That is our duty and our duty alone, for the benefit of ourselves and the collective. That said, no individual or government has any right to encroach upon our freedom and bodily sovereignty. You do you, so long as you do no harm, and things will sort themselves out as they do.

The fact that we are being poisoned via — chem-trails, fluoride, geo-engineering, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, EMF’s, etc. — is irrefutable. It’s long past time We The People stop participating in this culture of fear, control and separation. It is time for us to write a new story — one of love, compassion and reunion. This must be done for our children, their children, and their children’s children.

We The People, standing in solidarity, will be the only thing that brings ‘the powers that were’ to their knees. Do not comply. Choose love!



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